Videos on the Global Reset

Financial analyst Jim Willie spends one hour with Rick today. Mr. Willie said we are in the final stage of the break-up of the Western banking cabal’s stranglehold on the world an the Global Currency reset. You’ll hear a financial analysis that you won’t read in the Wall Street Journal or hear Jim Cramer say on CNBC. Download the MP3 file from [here] or go to the link below.


The Global Currency reset in a Nut Shell!

The reset HAS to happen, no doubt about it, but when and how is another story. All of the major currencies of the world will be revalued based on the assets of the country itself. This is supposed to be according to a source, the IMF should be [in] charge, but since details are secret, we don’t really know. It’s important that we understand that the only way we are going to know is to check foreign exchange sites on a nearly daily basis. If not, the only way you might find out is word of mouth, “Hey, did you hear about the GCR?” Yeah, by then it will have been too late.  A global currency reset will be on the front pages for days, but it’s effects will last indefinitely.

As the U.S. dollar has been the world’s reserve currency since World War II, a GCR would have a profound impact on the dollar’s role in international finance and trade. Perhaps most significantly, the U.S., which has borrowed exorbitantly since the time of the Vietnam War, would see its borrowing costs skyrocket. European economists have conceptualized the term “exorbitant privilege” for the advantage that the U.S. holds over other nations by benefit of being the world’s reserve currency. By serving as the world’s reserve currency, the U.S. would never face a currency crisis (i.e., a sudden currency devaluation). A GCR would remove America’s exorbitant privilege. BRIC nations are already in the process of moving away from the dollar. For example, China has established bilateral trade agreements with with Australia, Japan, Thailand, Russia and Vietnam that allows for direct currency trade instead of converting to the U.S. dollar.

What does this have to do with precious metals? A GCR, which is already beginning, will devalue the U.S. dollar, causing inflation to rise rapidly. If Americans (or anyone else) have their wealth stored in the dollar, a fiat currency, inflation will rob them of their affluence. What will serve as a reserve currency? Gold and other precious metals have traditionally been a steadfast haven for protecting wealth. When fiat currencies collapse beneath their worthless weight, intrinsic assets like gold and silver will remain as a benchmark for the world’s currencies. Just look at the amount of gold China, India and the other BRICs have purchased since the Great Recession and draw your own conclusions. We must have a Global Currency Reset very soon, as all fiat currencies are doomed. Precious metal sages are fond of saying: “Don’t wait to buy gold and silver. Buy gold and silver and wait.” That’s what the world’s richest individuals do. Now you understand the what you need to know about the Global Currency Reset.

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