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A Brief List of Doctrines of the Worldwide Church of God

“They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer ” (Acts 2:42).

For most topics, we have stated the position in four sentences or less.

 Abortion: Under all ordinary circumstances abortion is not a legitimate biblical or ethical choice and constitutes sin. When a mother's life is at stake, however, abortion is considered a legitimate biblical choice by the church. Members' choices about abortion in other extraordinary circumstances, such as rape or incest, are not considered a test of fellowship. The church recognizes the broken spiritual condition of human beings, and calls all sinners to repentance, forgiveness and redemption in Jesus' blood. The Worldwide Church of God does not engage in political movements on this issue; the church’s goal is to lead people to Christ for repentance and salvation. If church members make a private decision to become involved in a political movement, they do not represent the church, and the church teaches that they should remain at all times Christian in their approach.

Affiliations: The Worldwide Church of God is a member of the National Association of Evangelicals and a partner denomination of Mission America and the American Bible Society. The church is also affiliated with Plain Truth Ministries.

Baptism: Baptism signifies a believer's repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Worldwide Church of God practices baptism by immersion, and does not baptize infants. For more information on this topic, click here.  

Birth control: The church permits most forms of birth control (but see Abortion). 

Capital punishment: God has placed responsibility for human government and justice into human hands, under his sovereign authority, and human government is to be exercised justly, honestly, fairly, ethically and responsibly (Genesis 9:6; Leviticus 19:15; Deuteronomy 16:18-20; 25:1; 2 Chronicles 19:6-7; Proverbs 24:23-25; 29:4, 14; 31:8; Isaiah 5:22-23; Zechariah 7:9-10; Romans 13:1). Therefore, capital punishment may or may not be appropriate, depending on its administration. The church teaches that all human government is ultimately responsible to God and will answer to God for all injustice (Psalm 2:10-11; 82:1-8). The church teaches criminal offenders to repent and come to Christ, and strives to help the grieving to find consolation in Jesus. Our goal is to lead people to Christ for repentance and salvation. For more information on this topic, click here. 

Christ's return: Jesus Christ, as he promised, will return to earth to judge and reign over all nations in the kingdom of God. His second coming will be visible, and in power and glory. This event inaugurates the resurrection of the dead and the reward of the saints. The church makes no predictions as to when this will be. For more information on this topic, click here. 

Creation vs. evolution: God is the Creator of heaven and earth and of all life. The church sees no biblical reason to either believe or reject the conclusions of scientists that the earth is billions of years old and that life has been on earth for billions of years. Similarly, the church sees no biblical reason to reject evidence that the diversity of life forms has been changing. See articles on science.

Communion: At our Lord's Supper service, members participate in the new covenant as we partake of bread and wine (grape juice is also provided) in remembrance of our Savior. Members of other denominations may participate if they have faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Once each year, our ceremony may include the washing of feet. For more information on this topic, click here. 

Deity of Jesus: Jesus is the Word, by whom and for whom God created all things. As God manifest in the flesh for our salvation, he was begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, fully God and fully human, two natures in one Person. Jesus is the Son of God and Lord of all, worthy of worship, honor and reverence. For more information about Jesus, click here.

Divorce and remarriage: The church upholds the sanctity of marriage but also recognizes that humans have hardened their hearts. The church discourages divorce, but in most cases permits divorced persons to remarry. See article.

History of denomination: In 1931, Herbert Armstrong began a radio ministry, a magazine and a church that eventually became "The World Tomorrow," The Plain Truth, and the Worldwide Church of God. Armstrong had many unusual doctrines, but he expounded them so enthusiastically that more than 100,000 people attended weekly services. After Armstrong died in 1986, church leaders began to realize that many of Armstrong's doctrines were not biblical. These doctrines were rejected, and today the church and The Plain Truth are in full agreement with the statement of faith of the National Association of Evangelicals.

When the church changed its doctrines, many members continued to believe Armstrong-era doctrines. Many of these left the Worldwide Church of God to form other denominations, including the Church of God International, the Philadelphia Church of God, the Global Church of God, and the United Church of God. For more information on our history, click here.

Homosexuality: The church teaches that homosexual behavior, like all sexual relations outside of a heterosexual marriage, is a sin. However, a homosexual orientation is not a sin in itself. The church does not sanction discrimination against homosexuals in the workplace. 

Inspiration of Scriptures: The 66 canonical books of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, the foundation of truth, and the accurate record of God's revelation to humanity. The Holy Scriptures constitute ultimate authority in all matters of doctrine, and embody the infallible principles that govern all facets of Christian living. For more information on this topic, click here. 

Miracles: The church believes in the supernatural, including angels, demons, miracles, and answers to prayers. God still works miracles such as instantaneous healings and intervention in physical circumstances. 

Security of salvation: Believers are assured of salvation by the inward witness of the Holy Spirit. Their salvation is secure in Jesus Christ. For further information, click here. 

Speaking in tongues and other gifts of the Spirit: The Holy Spirit distributes gifts to believers, and these gifts are to be used to serve others. The church neither forbids nor encourages members to speak in tongues. For more information on this topic, click here. 

Trinity: Scripture teaches that there is one God. Scripture also teaches the divinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Based on the biblical revelation, the church believes the doctrine of the Trinity --- that God is one divine Being in three eternal, co-essential, yet distinct Persons. For more information on this topic, click here. 

Universalism: Universalism is a biblically unsound doctrine which says that in the end all souls, whether human, angelic or demonic, will be saved by God’s grace. Some universalists argue that repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ are not necessary. Universalists typically deny the doctrine of the Trinity, and many universalists are Unitarians. Contrary to universalism, the Bible speaks both of "sheep," who enter the kingdom of God, and of "goats," who enter eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46). God’s grace does not force compliance. In Jesus Christ, who is God’s elect for our sakes, all humanity is elect, but that does not mean that all humans will ultimately accept God’s gift. God desires that all come to repentance, but he has created and redeemed humanity for true fellowship with him, and true fellowship can never constitute a forced relationship.

War: War should always remain a last resort. Yet, in accord with the teachings of the apostle Paul (Romans 13:3-6), nations that take seriously the well being of their citizens must act in a timely and decisive manner to stop the evildoer. The Worldwide Church of God supports the decision of members who join the military, and it supports the decision of those who are conscientious objectors, as each individual must make his or her decision before God. We pray that God may guide the leaders of free nations everywhere to the end that all people may live peaceable and quiet lives (1Timothy 2:2). For more on this topic, click here.

Women in ministry: The church encourages women to contribute in leadership roles of every kind. However, based on the understanding it has of the practice of the New Testament church and the teachings of the apostle Paul, the church does not ordain women as sole pastoral overseers of local congregations. For more information on this topic, click here. 

Official name of the denomination: Worldwide Church of God
Denominational motto: Living and sharing the gospel.
Number of churches and members: about 870 and 58,000 worldwide.
Contact person: Ron Kelly, church relations; phone 626-304-6090.
Address: 300 W. Green St., Pasadena, CA 91129
Fax: 626-304-8169

Copyright 1998, 2003 Worldwide Church of God

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