June 17,1993

Triumph Prophetic Ministries
Box 292
Altadena CA 91003
Atten: William F. Dankenbring

Dear Mr. Dankenbring:

Greetings. Thank you for taking the time out to speak with me last Friday night and giving me the chance to bring this news to all PF readers. It is very important that us "battered brethren" have an opportunity to communicate with others - PF being the only means for some of us to do so. So often many of us feel as if we are the "only ones" and have decided not to follow any man or attend any organized Sabbath services as I have. You are free to use the following information at your discretion and I hope many, both out of WCG and those who are still attending perhaps reading PF out of curiosity, can gain from this news.

A bizarre experience involving Joseph W. Tkach and a former member of WCG occurred last week. "Jack" who was thrown out of church for being outspoken abut his beliefs, started studying the New Testament. After an apparent in depth study of Paul's writings, Jack came to the conclusion that (of all people) Joe Tkach was full of the Holy Spirit and totally correct in everything he is doing - with only one exception - the means in which Tkach is enacting his plan.

Now, we can all agree on one point - Tkach Is full of something. WHAT he is full of is where we seem to differ. Many of us have been following the trend of WCG moving towards Protestantism. Where the changes will end seems to be a mystery for several. What is so cynical and deceptive about Tkach and his scholarly "elite" is that they already know exactly where they are leading WCG. As you must know, the New World Order is right on schedule implementing all the changes necessary to form this end time global government. Religion must be homogenized in order to accomplish this task. Therefore, it stands to reason that there is also a time schedule to bring about all the changes necessary not only in WCG but in ALL religions.

Jack, in his "new found" and "revealed" knowledge, has come to the conclusion that Christ nailed everything to the cross, henceforth, the Old Testament -done away with, the Ten Commandments - done away with, the Holy Days - done away with, etc.,etc. Now for the clincher - Jack calls Tkach, tells him of his newfound knowledge and INSISTS that he must tell the people without holding back anything. TKACH REPLIES BY SAYING THAT GOD IS DEFINITELY WORKING WITH HIM TO HAVE DISCOVERED THIS KNOWLEDGE ON HIS OWN! Tkach admits that he is in total agreement, however, if he did drop the bombshell, too many people would leave WCG. So, he must bring about these changes GRADUALLY, ONE BY ONE. Tkach plainly admitted to Jack that the Old Testament was totally done away with but that he must be careful not to OFFEND and must be SENSITIVE to the people's reaction if he was to just come out and lay it on them. Tkach used the terminology, "New Testament church" in portraying what WCG will soon be. Jack, since, has been quite frustrated because NO ONE in WCG believes him including the ministers, so he thinks. Mr. W____ & Mr. C___ told Jack that was IMPOSSIBLE because Mr. W____ has learned lessons from the Holy Days. The ministers then stormed out of Jack's house.

Ironically, while conveying this story to a friend, "Jill" confirms the possibility of the existence of documentation proving that ALL WCG ministers know of Tkach's plot to "do away with" the Old Testament, one change at a time. Mr. W______ & Mr. C___ knew all along what Jack was referring to but deceived him into believing that it was the first time they had heard of such a thing.

"What about tithing?", Jack asked. "We're looking into that," was Tkach's reply. Seems that will be hard to let go of but necessary if moving into Protestantism. The hard part for some to believe is that these changes AREN'T coming about for the sole purpose of money or because of "new truth". The Ambassador Report printed a while ago that Tkach has been slipping large amounts of money into Guyana, but no one quite knows why. However, if WCG crumbled tomorrow, or everyone left after Tkach completes his Protestantism plan, he would still walk away a very wealthy man, Until recently, I believed that money was the reason for WCG homogenizing with all the other Christian religions. After discovering the New World Order and its agenda for Christianity, it has become clear that Tkach is involved and has worked out some sort of "deal". Newswatch Magazine by Dave Smith, and Educating for the New World Order, by Eakman, as well as others, clearly state that the New World Order has infiltrated both private and public organizations in our society including government, corporations, special interests groups, as well as religion. WCG is NOT the only religious organization that has been uprooted and has made an about-face. These men, who put themselves into power over helpless sheep, have bought onto the New World Order's plot to perpetuate their power after the soon coming global government. These changes have a schedule to meet and nothing will stop them.

Mr. Dankenbring, I can understand your frustration and commend your efforts in being a "watchman", making aware blind sheep of what IS happening and what WILL happen. WHAT WILL IT TAKE for us to see? Why do we insist on disobeying the First Commandment, worshipping men instead of God, by disregarding His Word? I feel like the boy who cried wolf for the last time.

He that has an ear, let him hear...

The Laodicean Times.