Just what do you mean


  • Are we in the "Laodicean Times"?
  • Is the church era over as we know it?
  • Are we now in the era of what is called the "living room churches"?
  • Are we seeing a similarity today with the events portrayed in the 7 churches of Revelation?
     There are many teachings on the seven congregations (churches) of Revelation.  The cities in which these congregations where located have a very interesting history.  Is it possible that they represented future era's, each city being a specific time period?  There are those who believe that the Worldwide Church of God headed by Herbert W. Armstrong was indicative of the "Philadelphia" congregation.  Henceforth, any one familiar with WCG would have to agree it is not the same. (see their new logos)  With the 180 degree turn, this church has made since being headed by the "Anti" father and son, The Tkach's, would it not be more accurate to compare WCG with the last church in the book of Revelation, the church of  Laodicea.  Is it possible that we are in  the last "church" era? Are we now in the "Laodicean" times?  If we are,  in the Laodicean era of the "Church", it would behoove all of us to study the history of the cities these congregations were located in. There are many lessons that can be learned simply by understanding their history.   "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches;" (Rev. 2:7; 2:11; 2:17; 2:29; 3:6; 3:13; 3:22).  Why has our Creator repeated this message seven times?

Is it possible that the seven churches of Revelation. are prophetic and represent the different era's of the church ?   Is it also possible that the attitude of the inhabitants of these seven cities are also indicative of the different attitudes present in the "Body" at any time in history and the most prevailing attitude at any one time?  The city of "Laodicea" being representative of the present times we are living in today.  Not to say, there are no "Philadelphian" attitudes today, but that they are not in the majority.

Truth comes from many sources and it is the responsibility of each one of us to "prove all things and hold fast that which is good."

Related article: religion/inthenews/losing_america.html

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